FINALLY! We found two Vandas yesterday on our way to Easter Holiday on my mum's cabin!!

Vandas have become more usual in my country now, but they are still very expensive. These two vere not supposed to be out in the shop as they vere resting and not flowering, so the shop keeper said we could have them for a price that is only 10% of what they'd normally cost!!!

See why I'm happy?!
So I've been reading up on Vanda culture, and since I don't have a clue what sort of hyrid it is (will call them and ask later, we didn't dare stick around until they found out just how cheap they had sold them to us

) I need general instructions.
What I've gathered and thus wondering about so far is that they:
- Like warm temperatures, but would they prefer same temperatures day & night, or can they benefit from colder night temperatures? How cold night temperatures can they endure before they really don't like me anymore?
- Need a lot of light, so as I'm way up north I should probably put it as light as possible and supply more light during the dark winter months.
- Are heavy feeders and would need an equal mix of NPK feed every day, or every other day. But also some trace elements: Which ones?? (remember I'm in Norway and don't really have access to same fertilizers as most of you) And as it's suppposed to be resting now, should I give less feed now? For how long would it be resting like this?
- Soaking them in a bucket/vase with water and feed for approx 30 mins to 1 hr every day / every other day is recommended, but I will have to set up a mister to do the trick for me when I'm travelling. But should the leaves get submerged in water as well, or just the roots? I know some orchids really don't want water at the base of the leaves. It also likes to get the roots dry as quickly as possible after getting watered, basically being either or when it comes to wet/dry. So I guess the mister needs to be on a timer for on and off.
- Prefer hanging baskets, with perhaps some bark just to help a little bit with the moisture (indoors it's very dry in the winter season, but if it can take colder night temperatures I can keep it in my green house where the humidity is controlled.
Generally I'm also wondering about the resting period they talk about. What is the best care during this period, and what should I do to induse flowering. The plants have flowered before (apparently, I haven't checked yet) but I'm sure that it was "chemically" indused.
That's all I couold think of for now

I'm sure I'll have follow up questions. I'll post pictures as soon as I can too.