If you can obtain a very open wooden basket just large enough in which to fit the roots, your plant will be very happy. You can grow it with nothing in the basket or you can add large chunks of bark, charcoal, cork or coconut husk. Give it lots of air, bright light (morning sun) and plenty of water (daily misting). It also likes a lot of fertilizer. At least one tsp. per gallon on a weekly basis.
If you are unable to obtain a wooden basket, a clay pot would be the second choice and it would be best to hang whichever you use. Vandas grow very high in tree tops so what you need to try to accomplish is to mimic their natural environment as much as possible.
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.