Thanks for looking and all the wonderful comments, everyone
Ray - SIX spikes!! That must have been quite the show stopper! I have mine in nearly catt-light levels in the mornings at least...seems to enjoy it.
Becky and anyone else interested - This one is potted in an interesting year, I knocked the pot over and the plant fell out. At that point it was potted in pure sphag. I didn't have another small pot so I just took a larger plastic pot and filled it with a bit of hydroton for drainage, put the plant with sphag around the roots in, then filled in the edges with more's kind of like a hydroton cocoon lol...and it seems to really enjoy that! I water when the sphag is crispy, and allow a bit of water to sit in the tray afterwards so there's some moisture being wicked up to the sphag kinda like in S/H growing.
I give it quite bright light....same amounts my catts get actually, although mainly only in the morning, with more diffuse bright light in the afternoon. No special cold treatment needed, I don't think, although I suspect it helps spike formation. The area where it grows dips to 60F at night, and averages at 75F during the day in the winter, so they are intermediate conditions, really. It sits on a windowsill with no special humidity (ambient drops to 20% at times) but I suspect the sphag/hydroton provides a some needed humidity around the roots.
We moved to a cooler house (nights and days are both around 60-65F) a few weeks ago, and at that point, there was only one spike...the other two initiated a few weeks after moving...not sure if it was the coolness or the increase in light levels (can plants respond that quickly?)
That's all I can think of
In general, I've been letting this one dry out (significantly) between watering, quite bright sunlight, and no other special treatment. Others may have different experiences - I'd be interested to hear how other people grow this one too