Hi Nick
Thanks for posting. I was waiting for your results. I think your success is valuable information for many of us who grow in the house and I doubt that you could easily find anything like this for Vandeceous orchids on the internet.
I have a suggestion if you are are interested in making your method more available for others. The post could be relabelled something that contains the words "Vanda, culture, pot". I only stumbled on it because I remembered your user name from the previous thread which I found only by accident. I hardly ever click on the Vanda section just scan the pictures in the gallery.
One day I googled "water culture" to find an old article to share with someone and Google search immediately brought up one of my own posts on someone else's thread on Orchidboard, titled "Phaleonopsis in water culture", where I explain my method.
After that I titled my posts something like " Oncidium Sharry Baby in water culture" or "Cattleya in water culture" , etc. in order to elicit other people's experience which has started coming in and inspired me to try new things. I also think people visit my gallery (7,000+ visits since I started posting on this board 4 months ago) mostly for this reason. Otherwise, there is nothing remarkable there, such as photography skills or the orchids I grow to attract this kind of interest.