Hello I really and in love this plant!!!! i am in love with it its small and cute and fragrant looks like a phalaenopsis! ive done thourough research and its Actually sold By New World Orchids ( A place alot of OB Members sent me to find neos) and i saw the tab to click on to get them and i really loved it instantly! i found out that its okay to pot this type and that it accepts 40-60% Humidity which is my kinda orchid. its what i know i can provide!!! so i wanted to know what other little tid bits you could give me and let me know what you know LOL! that sounded funny.
Also i was told that it is called Sedirea because its Aerides spelled backwards?????? they did that when they took it out of that family is that true???
And really what the heck is it??? ive never heard of it until i saw it at New World Orchids and did the research heheh and im glad that i did find it
So if you could answer those questions and give out some tips and extre knowledge that would be wonderful!
Ohh BTW i got the cultural info from NWO(New World Orchids) And other sources! thank you ohh so much for everything!! you guys on orchid board always rally together to help everyone!!!!!! And arent Dogmatic or Abbrasive in giving the help! Even when people make serious cultural mistakes!! i really love that about this forum!!! what im trying to say is you but the bad news Lightly LOL. well thats the end of my monologue.