Gin that's a beautiful Sanderiana. I've been looking at a Vanda sanderiana var. alba and wanting to get it but I heard the alba variety is a little weak so I haven't gotten it, anyway yours is really beautiful. Congratulations.
Gin that's a beautiful Sanderiana. I've been looking at a Vanda sanderiana var. alba and wanting to get it but I heard the alba variety is a little weak so I haven't gotten it, anyway yours is really beautiful. Congratulations.
Swamper, you have been mislead also. This Vanda is NOT sanderiana, its a HYBRID with sanderiana in the parentage. The actual name of the plant is the text NOT the title. This is where so many people get confused with orchids and names by growers using the wrong names.
The name is copied per the tag the original tag that came with the plant . No one said it was a species .If so it would of had lower case letters and not the cross included in the post .