This is the Bollea Hirtzii, yesterday bloom in my house, it's wonderfull!!!
Look that little theet in the center of the flower...
the flower is about 8 cm ...
This is the Bollea Hirtzii, yesterday bloom in my house, it's wonderfull!!!
Look that little theet in the center of the flower...
the flower is about 8 cm ...
The finally color is white but in the begining of the bloom the flower has a touch of green or yellow... in the next days it turns white...
This is the Bollea Hirtzii, yesterday bloom in my house, it's wonderfull!!!
Look that little theet in the center of the flower...
the flower is about 8 cm ...
WALDVØGEL is german and means forest bird .... the man who discovered this bollea was a german: Hirtzi