Hi All
I've just about finished the greenhouse, and not a moment too soon, it's turning cool in the evenings here. I have areas mapped out for all my 'chids but have a vanda-specific question:
Q- I had though of having a "wet" corner of the room with drip irrigation (probably from a soaker hose on the ceiling) dripping a bit of water with fertilizer (and a bit of psyban) 2-3 times a day on the vandas where it would collect in a tub (that they could dangle their roots into if they grow that long). Would that work? I don't want to rot them but I need to keep their roots watered and the room humid.
I have 8 vandas - 3 small ones mounted on a wire and 5 larger ones mounted in baskets. They are in a shadehouse now and get misted 1-2 times daily and watered daily (remember - REALLY low humidity here). Once a week I give them a good soak and that's where they get their fertilizer too). All seem healthy but do dry out very quickly.
Thanks for the info and suggestions.