I do not have any of these either, but now I want some! They are just gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing them with us. What are each of their names? Thanks.
I do not have any of these either, but now I want some! They are just gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing them with us. What are each of their names? Thanks.
Hey Jenn,
If you hold your mouse over the thumbnails, you'll see their names.
Congrats on your well bloomed Papilionanthes!
The only one I have is the teres, so I can't help you with others...but after seeing yours...well, you know how it goes... My wish list is growing again.
Oh yeah they are:
1. Papilionanthe pedunculata
2. Papilionanthe teres
3. Papilionanthe uniflora (which almost always has 2 flowers per stem)
4. Papilionanthe vandarum
Also to Pheli a friend of mine grow the vandarum very well in Hawaii (same elevation as Carmelas)