Very nice coerulea indeed. You can tell it is a real coerulea as well, they have quite a distinct flower shape. It doesn't look like the wild type but definitely a real coerulea, somewhat improved on the wild form by the looks of it. I live in the subtropics where coerulea doesn't exactly thrive in our heat and humidity but i can get them to grow ok by hanging them up high outside with lots of air movement. Once again very nice plant/flower.
Where in Qld do you come from ?. You should be able to grow V.coerulea in SE Qld. I can even grow & flower it in BKK which has the (approx) same latitude as Darwin although the flowers are washed out which I believe is normal for tropical areas.
yeah i can grow it and flower it ok but i wouldn't say that it thrives here. Maybe if i lived up in the ranges it would thrive alot better. Depends on the clone as well. The wild type i have seems to not do as well as the "selected" ones.
I do prefer the wild type coerulea though. The flowers are quite unique.