Hey All,
I've got a few Vandaceous plants blooming for their first time, plus a new Doritaenopsis I've just added to my collection. Here are some pics with short write-ups:
#1 - Ascda. (Ascda. Chartreuse Gold x V. Charles Goodfellow); this is one I purchased at the WOC in January. It's the first time it’s bloomed for me...and I'm excited about the 3 keikis growing at the base!
#2 -Ascda. Ellen Wells; I've had this plant for a while, and this is the first bloom spike produced. It just opened up this past week!
I'm excited about this one because its color and form tell me it may be AOS awardable...time will tell!
#3 - Fuchsara (Fcr.) Crownfox; Another first time bloomer for me; I picked this guy up from the sale bench at RF Orchids in June of 07. I think it's a great mini vandaceous plant to have in my collection. The flowers are about 3/4 inch across.
#4 - Dtps. Minho Princess 'Flying' HCC/AOS; this is a new Dtps. that I added to my collection last month, and it's still blooming strong!
I hope that you enjoy my new beauties as much as I do.