Thanks flihiker....I must say...they sound a small to medium fish tank would be sufficient? I can't even imagine how beautiful they must be..Eileen
There are lots of pictures on the internet- Mine is still very small and not of blooming size yet. That's gonna be a LONG time! I use distilled water. Sometimes I add a tiny bit of orchid food or superthrive. Worm tea once in a great while, (very weak) I got mine from Oak Hill Gardens
Thank you guys for so much help...and info...this orchid seems to be so interesting to me...unless we're talking hundreds of $$$ for one, I think I could put this on my list of exceptional my newly found orchid long have you had yours, and what does LONG TIME mean...patience is obviously the much needed credential in the incredible world of orchids..please share your pics when you can...thank you again...guess I know what I'll be thinking about as I go to sleep tonight!...GHOSTS!!!!!!. Eileen from Vermont!!!!
No problem check out my gallery photos. You can click on the camera icon to the right of my name. A small aquarium will do fine. I have heard of someone using a plastic milk jug. The ones at Oak hill gardens go for $12.50. but are just seedling. could take up to 5 years to bloom if ever. These are very finicky plants. The plants in the wild bloom some years and then not bloom again for a few years. I have no idea why. Just the nature of the plant. I have one and its growing good.
Thanks...I will definitely check it out...5 years? I better hurry...I'm almost 64 a few months...I need to get started so I have enough time...LOL!...I'll check out your pix!...I'm not sure about the milk jug though...would be difficult to look inside !...I would need to see more...I'm so glad I came to OB..such great people...orchid people. and thanksto pixiedust for starting this thread!...Eileen
I have only had mine for about 4 months. With just the smallest growth! It is a seedling that flhiker spoke of- While I'm not new to orchids, I am new to this little honey!
Scruffy...I can tell you love your little baby!...4 months is not long...but 5 years til it blooms...I would need to fill the house with other chids to distract me from my checking every day!... Wonder why they don't have leaves? I'll be looking into this one...and...I will keep you posted...I will shout from the rafters when I am ready to purchase...etc, etc...Eileen such joy!..