Thank you all for your comments ...first minature vanda [I]'ve ever had...very pleased to have it but would never havre chosen it!!!
I have a admission to make....

it grew a new leaf, 2 roots & new flower stalk a bottle...(plastic 18l water bottle lined with Leca) but as the flower stem grew as well as leaves started becoming bigger ..getting it 'in ' the bottle, without damaging it..... became a 'pain' unfortunately...& I managed to damage it!
(see top blasted' end of stalk) so it's now been flowering in the vase.... I don't know what i'll do once flowering stalk dried up...?
Don Perusse, I agree, would look 'better' without the dry twig poking out..... but am glad I didn't cut off as it hits me in the face, every time I look at it .. at How FAST this little lady has put out a new stalk

and i'm no expert..
PS: I know that IFshe's to live i am going to have to take her with me on holiday....(as there's no one to look after her & I know needs soaking 30 mins at the moment everyday....