I have a Vanda that I rescued from my brother's garden center (they are not very good with orchids) to nurse back to health. When I brought it home, it looked pretty pathetic. The leaves were somewhat shriveled and the root system did not have any new growth. I have been babying it by watering it every morning, and
misting it some afternoons. I did not know until recently that vandas like to be fertilized more often then other types of orchids, so it was just getting the weekly, weakly fertilizer. So, last week, I went to water it with my other Vanda, and it just broke at the stem. It had about 12 inches of bare stem between the roots and the leaves. I don't know if the stem rotted out or what happened. It appears to have had either 2 new roots or 2 shoots attempting to grow out of some of the leaves, but those appear to not be doing anything now. Is there any way to save this orchid? Can I get it to re-root? Any advice is appreciated. On a side note, the other Vanda that I keep right by it is fine and has healthy root growth currently.

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