And make sure when you "spray" you're thoroughly soaking... it's more important to drench than to mist.
misting it's self isn't going to transport the nutrients through the velum. It's like a sponge that's dried out, you need to drench it once, wait 5 minutes, and come back and drench it again... less is more when you have hard water.
The only problem with South Florida is the water is as hard as bricks, so any more dissolved minerals you throw in the water is going to make the situation worse. The plants need Moisture, and the more dissolved minerals you have, it's like them drinking sea water. I think of water and dissolved minerals on a scale of 100% refreshing at 0 ppm dissolved minerals, and drinking tums (those calcium tabs) when you get to "hard water"... Neither end of the spectrum is good for your plants, but you should just be aware and be sparing but regular with the ferts if you live in a hard water area.
I have one plant from florida with a old basket that just looks like it has been soaked in lime (calcium oxides) for decades!
I have a 300ppm water hardness AFTER adding 1 tsp per gallon water fertilizer... 40ppm before adding anything. I find any more than that and the plants don't respond as well. Maybe try Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water on the days you fertilize instead of regular water + fert ? A cheap hand held dissolved minerals meter for ~20$ would probably help you make sure your fertilizer regime is not the culprit if your other conditions are met.

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