I bought this plant potted in bark. I was concerned about it so I decided to repot it into a basket, bare root.
This is what I found when I dumped it out. There were
NO live roots in the bark. I have a pic of the results of massive surgery.
I also have a pic of the re-potted plant. I intend to pull it a little higher in the basket after I finish pulling the live roots, which were all growing outside of the bark, through the slats ins the basket. (There is more than one use for large unused crochet hooks)
After what I found with this one, I re-potted all the new vanda alliance plants which were planted in pots with bark.
I'm sure Kellly's Korner loved my order for both wooden and plastic vanda baskets. I prefer the looks of wooden ones but the black plastic work OK for the smaller plants, and are less expensive.