JennS |
07-18-2008 09:03 AM |
Originally Posted by Junebug
(Post 126274)
Hi Jenn, Thanks for asking. The lower nubbin that was nestled inside the leaf has turned brown. :(( The original bump that was located in the vacant leaf space is still there and still unchanged. :roll: I've included recent photos. There has been abundant root growth and 4 new leaves have fully developed. :) It's been difficult to maintain enough sun exposure for most of my plants (especially this one). Our rainy season has been in full force and every day has been primarily overcast and by 2:00 p.m. it looks like dusk.
I am having the same problem in Orlando with the low sun exposure. I don't think it will really hurt too much though as the weather man is now saying we will be dry again for a few days next week. I know mine are at least loving all the rain, humidity and moisture. I do have one that is starting a spike (the very very very beginning of a spike), so there is still hope.
It did look like your nubbin was a bit bigger then in the other pics to me though. :scratchhead: Maybe there is something happening, just very slowly?