When the light's (sun goes down) go out. The plant stops consuming water. Meaning that wattering at night times the roots stay wet. At cold temps this may cause fungi to start growing on your roots.
Misting and bathing have their differences depending on the way you mist. If you mist thouroughly it would about as be the same but eventualy the plant simply wants more. In that case you need to soak. When you soak for a long time the plant sucks itself full of water.
You cannot overwater a Vanda but you can cause it to rot. Therefore never mist/soak when the roots are still wet. Avoid the leafs and flowers to get wet or your flowers will get those ugly spots you also see in the garden centres.
Waterring itself is not really an art. The plant itself will show when it needs more. A sign of thirst is when the leafs start shrinking or the roots start cracking. That is serious. Just water as much and as many times as you can and youll be ok.
Congrats on the blue vanda choice. You will certainly not be dissapointed!! Blue vanda's to my experience have a few advantiges for the beginners like me.
-Very good resistance to temperature drops and raises.
-Cold resistant (nearly as resistant as cacti)
-Lower light needs
-Good resistance to deseases
These are the reasons why blue blooming vanda's are the most sold ones over here in the netherlands. We don't have any light and it is 7 months in the year cold.
Last thing on watering. If you soak in fertilizer, don't do it too long. To my experience the fert somehow dehydrates the roots. Always wash the roots with clean water afterwards to remove excess fert.
Take these guidelines as guidelines and not literary and don't worry too much

It is a miracle my heart is still in a good shape after all those worries. you will find that everyone else has a different method. Try them all and use what is best for you.
Good luck


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