I couldn't help it, I had the urge to order some blue vandas! A. princess Mikasa, v. sansai blue & v. blue magic... I think I am blue vanda crazy!
They were shipped to me in plastic baskets a week ago.
I have been soaking them in water with weak fertilizer for 2-3 hours from 8-10 am, and at night I give them a mist before bed time.
I am not sure if I am doing the right thing?
I also have a few other questions:
1. Do I water a vanda only if the roots are white? Or can they be watered when the roots are pale green?
2. Is dunking/ soaking better than
3. How often do I feed?
4. Is it OK to water at night?
5. Is it possible to over water a bare root vandas?
Humidity is around 65% and I have the fan running in my growing room. There is plenty of light.
Thank you in advance!

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