WOW!!!! Great Neo! Do you know what variety it is? I have a couple of the wild type and a shutennou (purple flowers) and hisui (green flowers with a white lip). I hope post a pic of the flowers when they open.
I grow all my neos in sphag in the japanese pots outside year round and they love it. They also do great on a windowsill.
BTW, if anyone is interested Orchidmania still has some neos left when I was there this past Sunday. They are only open for sales on most Sundays between 11am to about 3-4pm, deoending on the day and the numbers of volunteers. Check them out, they have a nice assortment of orchids, including species.
On another note, neos should be grown in popularity and availability in the US because Seed Engei from Japan is renting space to hold their Neos and Den. moniliformes on the pennisula (so I've heard). So we should be seeing more neos and den. moniliforme in the near future. Which is good for us