mmm...... I'm still going to go with it's a fan. Much as I'd like to be as optimistic as our Neo Queen Gwen

Admittedly, she has more neo experience than I do..... ( I love you gwen!

) but this is just from what I've seen from images posted so far.
When Gwen's was in spike, it looked like this:
and mine are pictured below. Fun fact! Geikkikan ( the variegated one) seems to have budded a new one since I got it last month!

Just my observations... I don't think any of mine are spiking at all. Even Anzumaru ( the last one) has a crabclaw, and that's no where near blooming size.
But I do need your help Gwen! Anzumaru has a leaf turning brown and I don't know what to do about it!