Good evening all,
One quick question I have. I seem to lose 2 leaves every year, I've had this plant less than 2 years, so its only 1 year of data I can say. It also grows 3 leaves last year.. I just lost one today with about 2 weeks of gradual yellowing. Does not look diseased just a solid yellow. Plant in general seems to be in good health. I also noticed that it started producing a new leaf. It has not had more than 4 leaves at a time so far, so I guess its good it has 5 now including the tiny new one just emerging. Will these lose bottom leaves to grow new top ones or is it lacking water or nutrients. I understand why a sympodial does this but it doesn't make sense with a monopodial. other if its lacking something
I have it in lava rocks because I do not want to have to keep repotting it every year or so. I water it every 2 to 4 days. Fertilize pretty heavy in the summer (weak every watering) and less frequent in the winter (maybe once or twice most a month). I am going to start uping the fertilizing again on my plants since they all seem to be taking off with the increase of day light. Two Catts have shown Ca deficiency.
So is this normal or is that a lot of leaf loss. Also is there a max amount of leaves each plant can support. I know it has to be more than 4 or 5. Also it is not recieving as much light as it does in the spring and summer. Id say low light now with maybe an 3

hours of bright indirect light.
Thanks for your help with this crazy question.