Advice please! Vanda leaf turning brown & squishy
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Advice please! Vanda leaf turning brown & squishy
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Old 09-14-2023, 10:58 AM
Vaughan95 Vaughan95 is offline
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Advice please! Vanda leaf turning brown &amp; squishy
Exclamation Advice please! Vanda leaf turning brown & squishy

Hoping someone can give some advice, and help my vanda!

I bought this Vanda Coerulea in June. When it arrived there wasn't any noticable issues, but quarantined it away from my other plants, in a spot where it wasn't getting enough light. I was watering daily and giving fertiliser once a week too.

It seemed fine in this spot for the first two months, but then the edge of one of the leaves started to turn brown and squishy. I had previously read somewhere that this could've either have been due to too much fertiliser or not enough sun.

So, I cut the edge with sterilised secateurs to try and prevent it from spreading any further along the leaf, and placed it on the windowsill where there is much more indirect sunlight. I also have stopped using the orchid fertiliser, but continued to water.

It's been a couple of weeks since then, and the leaf has continued to brown. I am watering it daily, but have no idea if this is just a dying leaf or is something else entirely. No other leaves are affected and the root system is healthy.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Side note: The vanda is placed in a pot, but has no medium in it so I can keep an eye on the roots.
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Old 09-14-2023, 02:15 PM
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Advice please! Vanda leaf turning brown &amp; squishy Male

Welcome to the Orchid Board.

What are your day/night temperatures? Humidity?

That's probably not enough light long-term.

I would cut the leaf far below an advancing wet rot. Sanitize the instrument first with alcohol 70% or household bleach diluted to 10%.
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advice, brown, fertiliser, leaf, vanda

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