In America (cold North Dakota), I tried growing a few vanda plants with absolutely no success. They died as soon as I looked at them. No wonder--no humidity. Here in Northern Thailand, the conditions are so perfect for vandas. Just put them in a cheap plastic open orchid pot and do nothing and watch them grow quickly. It is so humid here that water just drips off the plants.
So, this is my very first vanda success story. Not only is the plant so healthy, IT IS BLOOMING-- a first for me.
I am adding some newer pictures. It is difficult to get good photos underneath the sun shield. The available light plays tricks on me. Sometimes it looks like a dark deep red and other times like a lighter orangy-red. So, Ray, here it is in full bloom (LOL).
Last edited by gjanick2; 10-09-2022 at 12:42 AM..
Reason: adding a seller's picture
Thanks! I will add a picture of the plant at the sellers nursery after I send you this reply. It is definitely not a true red. It is a deep/dark red with some purple in it, but when the suns rays hit the plant, it is like this vanda does a renaissance and awakens with brighter red/orange/purple mix. So I don't know what color to call it. But thank you!