So this was a seedling from Lowe's purchased fall of 2019, Better-Gro bag 2" pot, I lost the tag, with two tiny, purple, shriveled leaves and bad roots which were obstructed from view by the pot and mesh bag. Anyway, it grew two leaves and dropped the two tiny leaves and grew two roots shortly after mounting, then in 2020 it grew two more leaves, with each of the four new leaves larger than the next youngest under it, and the two roots grew longer, then last year this poor thing didn't grow at all, leaves or roots. I've never used fertilizer on orchids until this year, and once I did the roots started growing again and branching, and now it's starting a new leaf! This was taken a couple of days ago and it's noticeably larger now, but when this was taken it was about one mm long and I couldn't see any elevation above the leaf below. As tiny as it is it sure is exciting!