I see daylight between the sepals!!! But it's touching the mount - is there a way to lift it without breaking it, and do I even want to try? I think the flower will rot where it touches the moss but maybe not. At any rate, if it doesn't fall off like the bud that it shipped with it will be the first in my collection to bloom. Well, not counting the Neof. which was in bloom on arrival.
Last edited by FL_Orchid_Collector; 07-12-2022 at 03:10 PM..
Agree. Let the plant figure this out. Another nice thing about this species... it is a sequential bloomer (2-3 flowers likely if it's happy) on each inflorescence.
There it is, my first flower which wasn't entirely due to the vendor's care I'm not getting any fragrance yet, but it sure is cute! I haven't seen any root growth on this plant, and some of the roots have died off. I hope the flower means it's happy but I know some orchids will just keep flowering until they run out of steam right?
Last edited by FL_Orchid_Collector; 07-13-2022 at 05:07 PM..
Patience, patience... the flower is not yet completely open, so it may still take a few days to develop the fragrance. Also, the fragrance is, as I recall, mostly mid-day when it's warm.
Mine didn't have much of a fragrance the first time it bloomed. It also bloomed on one spike with one flower at a time. The first spike produced 4 flowers sequentially. This plant is currently blooming on 3 spikes and the scent is much more pronounced. Beyond what might be attributed to more flowers blooming at the same time. I have a thread about it here as "Haraella retrocalla spike watch".