This is my mom's vanda which started with two leaves and bad roots in a 2" pot (I did unpot it immediately after purchase from Lowe's, it's a Better-Gro but the bag was in low light, constantly getting misted so I should have known.) It has lost those first two leaves which were tiny and dark purple, and grown four 3" leaves which are green with some purple freckles and purple darkening almost to black on the upper surfaces close to the stem. Unfortunately the tag has been lost.
It must read orchidboard because I wrote about how annoying its slow growth is and that it seems to only extend two roots very slowly forever - well, it decided to start growing faster - but only one tip on the longest root, and the other root started branching! No sign of a new leaf this year and I don't think it added any last year either
Anyone have any tips to stimulate leaf growth? I recently started using ferts and I think that's what triggered it to start expanding its roots again.