My father was an optometrist.
He grew up as a myopic and was always impressed by my farsightedness.
He always said I could read a newspaper tacked on the wall from across the room.
Now, moving into my late 70s, my eyesight is not as good as it used to be.
Plus, I've lost the sight in my right eye from glaucoma.
I no longer see like a 16 year old.
I found more feral Vandas up in some of our trees.
I had much trouble seeing their flower's shapes and colors.
I could not see them well enough through binoculars, so I bought a 20 to 60X monocular spotting scope.
Now, I can see see and recognize our feral orchids when it's mounted on my photo tripod.
That is the only use I have for it so far.
But, we do have many trees with orchids in them, will have opportunities to use it.
A while ago, I posted this:
Vanda ex-spurt needed
It began degrading badly, I removed it and it died before regaining any vigor.
I thought I had no more of them and was saddened.
I bought the spotting scope to be able to see this one and one other elsewhere in the yard.
I thought I could see a magenta cast to the petals.
It could be seen with the scope.
I just grabbed a quick quick pic of a "new" Vanda.
The new discoveries all look to be V. luzonica hybrids.
I'll get more pics when I get better light.
The Dendrochilum glumaccium is getting close to being in full bloom.
I'll add a pic in other other thread when ready.
The picture is poor but when I get better light, I'll try again and include any others I can find.
It's begining to look as if I may have an assortment of these around.