My Vanda's down to 3 leaves
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Old 07-15-2020, 08:08 AM
Fredmax Fredmax is offline
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves
Default My Vanda's down to 3 leaves

It's not looking good for my Vanda 'Robert's Delight'

It was a picture of health 3 months ago, but another victim of my new hothouse. I hadn't understood why it was losing leaves so assumed lack of water. It had a distinct yellowing from the apex of the leaf that would then spread outwards and then the next leaf would do the same. I've resigned to accept this one is not going to make it, but thought I'd ask if there's hope for something I can apply (or chop the base and hope it grows roots?).

I understand it has got a fungus like many other of my plants, and have dipped it in phosacid, sprayed a chlorine based treatment and doused it in cinnamon powder, all trial and error remedies but the fungus is still winning and will be down to 1 leaf soon
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Old 07-15-2020, 09:37 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Fred - does that orchid still have some good roots? Any roots go green when you spray some water on them?

If the orchid has surviving roots, then just pop into a very good draining pot with some media (such as scoria from bunnings) - and water the media thoroughly. Water the potting media only. Maintain warm temperature - and gentle air-circulation --- and decent level of lighting (but hold-off on direct/strong sunlight for now).

But if the roots are all dead (ie. none of them appear to go green-coloured when wet), then 'sphag and bag' method might be needed.

Also look into auxinone or ezi root gel.
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Old 07-15-2020, 09:47 AM
Fredmax Fredmax is offline
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves

Thank you again Southpark, you're right I haven't noticed any green roots. Sphag in a bag has always left me bag of mould so may need to spray it with something periodically. Considering changing my name to FungusFred.
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Old 07-15-2020, 10:07 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Fred --- hahaha. Things will be great over there eventually.

Gentle air-movement around the plant - leaves, roots and all - can cut down a lot on chances of fungal/bacterial issues.

It's sort of like the bathroom issue - where if the windows and doors aren't open to allow for airing, then mould/fungus starts to grow in crevices/walls, towels etc. Airing seems to help cut down on that kind of thing.

Also - even though you probably didn't do it already ----- make sure to not apply hydrogen peroxide or disinfectants to the roots - as they can either cause setbacks to roots, or can even kill them.
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Old 07-15-2020, 11:52 AM
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves Male

It looks viable. It looks under watered, not a fungus problem. Vandas need at least daily watering, twice if it's much over about 35C. When you water the roots need to be totally soaked. Their roots are easy to damage with scraping and chemicals. What is the relative humidity where it is growing?
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Old 07-15-2020, 01:09 PM
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves Female

This looks small enuf to sit in a vase of water for half a day. Mine that hang outside get sprayed 2x/day but others I've put into vases and let soak,then dump out water but leave plant in vase. Works for me. As long as air and light is appropriate for vandas the method has its merits...for me.
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Old 07-15-2020, 01:44 PM
DirtyCoconuts DirtyCoconuts is offline
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves

there is green there is hope.

where are you located and what are your 'hothouse' conditions as E.S. asked?
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Old 07-15-2020, 08:58 PM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Fred ----- South Australia is probably ultra cold right now. So it's probably not going to be growing too much for the moment, unless you put it in a warm region, and give it some gentle amount of light. Maybe indoor with a grow light (but not too close!) and gentle air-movement could help here.
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Old 07-19-2020, 10:47 AM
Fredmax Fredmax is offline
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My Vanda's down to 3 leaves

The Vanda was in a pot with bark when things started to go downhill with 80-90% rh in the greenhouse. I had assumed a lack of water, since unpotting and SouthPark's mention - there are still plenty of roots but look completely dead. I think they may have rotted as appears to be a crown infection with everything below dry and grey, as a result think is getting a lack of water and losing one leaf at a time.

I've been giving it a treatment of anti-rot, hyclor and cinnamon and don't see spreading fungus, and am now trying the sphag in a bag with a weekly fungicide spray. Hopefully this retains the humidity it can't get from the root system, but obviously won't be getting the air movement if the fungus is still present.

As for my conditions, most of the tropical plants have moved to my kitchen for at least the next 4 weeks to maintain 16c & 50% rh, I generally grow Vanda's in vases and if this one survives will stay in one, and out of bark. The 10 or so other Vanda's have all been fine so assume this one got a virus or bacteria (I can't diagnose the difference).
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Old 07-19-2020, 04:53 PM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Thanks for that update Fred! All the best! Hope this one pulls through.

Up here in NQ, I only have two vanda plants - both the type --- Pachara Delight -- both growing in scoria. Up here, the humidity apppears to be enough for them to survive. The aerial roots grow without problem. I've had both of them growing in 10 to 15 mm average diameter scoria (in bunnings black plastic pot) for a couple of years now. There are roots are in the pot (in the scoria) too. They're growing under a balcony along with most of my orchids - and they get lots of direct morning sun.

I usually water them each morning anyway - spraying water and concentrating that water out toward the outter band of the pot - the outer one-quarter or so - out toward the perimeter of the pot. Pretty sure the moisture in the pot stays nice for a fair while after that.
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