so the almost impossible happened to me this weekend.
I went to a paid garden called Flamingo Gardens which is have been to many many years ago and forgotten all about.
it is an amazing sprawling landscape of rain forest and bizarre plants bc the original owners, the Wrays got plant samples from all sorts of vendors and tried to see what would grow.
this was in 1933.
this place used to sell some of the cuttings and prunings and this included the 1000+ orchids. this was back in the 70s and 80s
fast forward and i get a LONG piece of ratty vanda from a friend that she said her grandmother put in the tree and it has been cut and shared 100 times.
well my friend and her grandmother live about 4 miles from this garden and i saw a few plants that looked a lot like my vanda...all the same name and slight variations from the one above to pinker....i snapped a few pics and sent them to my friend and her abuela facetimed me immediately!!!
i had to spend literally 25 minutes on the phone with her finding the 13 or so remaining orchids she had purchased there close to 50 years ago and we were able to ID like 10
it was hilarious, she was SO excited and would just yell in spanish about the saints and it was really fun.
so this is NOT ketchup and mustard.
it is V. josephine van brero
here is one of the many samples i saw there
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J Solo, on Flickr
and some other cool stuff
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr
Untitled by
J Solo, on Flickr