This came in bud thru a friend from a friend. I have seen a range of these in pics from the white with purple lip to near pure white form of kimballianum but a couple like this which is not known in the family. It's either pure white or has a purple lip. I'm trying to find out more about it from previous owner & where the flasks came from. Like to show it anyway. 20190409_143626 by WEST VIC, on Flickr
From what I've read, this Holc' is one of the warm liking plants in the family. This came from the subtropical area of Australia, quite warm most of the time. Nights can get cool.
From what I've read, this Holc' is one of the warm liking plants in the family. This came from the subtropical area of Australia, quite warm most of the time. Nights can get cool.
Thanks for infos. So in the case of this species, it may be an Holcoglossum that I should try to grow.