Originally Posted by Shoreguy
Very nice. I find it difficult to distinguish it from Gojo Fukurin, another variety that I like. Would only an expert be able to tell them apart? Or is this just a situation that pictures loose a lot in the details?
Gojofukurin, Gekkeikan and Tenkeifukurin are all in the same "family." While the precise color of the variegation can change depending on individual culture, when grown in ideal conditions:
Gojofukurin has white variegation
Tenkeifukurin has yellow variegation
Gekkeikan has white variegation as the leaves emerge, which gradually changes to cream then yellow as the leaves mature.
It's sometimes hard to see the color difference in photos unless all three are in the same photograph with even lighting.
Also, if grown in too much light, the variegation on Gojofukurin can end up turning creamier, and the variegation on Gekkeikan will turn yellow faster, making the distinction between the three more difficult if grown that way.
Otherwise, they have the same physical form, the same green root tips and particular pattern of pigmentation on the stem.