These are newish as well. Got them within the last month. Both get very high light, pretty warm direct sun only lightly filtered by a window in the afternoon for almost a full 4 hours. That's pretty much straight vanda light that I only really subject to brassavolas and laelia anceps.
While ultimately my collection is weighted towards the beans, the variegated ones I find truly inspiring.
Aojiku Fugaku
This variety appears to have highly variable striping throughout the growths, but considered as unique with its spread striping, chiri-fu, with varying gradient changes in the striping. I did see an image of this one before I got it and by complete chance was able to get it as I normally lose out on getting the larger more sought after varieties. I enjoy the wide chunkier leaves and the vibrant yellow green root tips.
This one I saw in person at Cal orchid's summer open house, Satomi is in part hosts the US fuukiran judging event for this (I always miss this because of work) and anyway the speed to which my hand reached for it was immeasurably fast. The striping is very finely drawn on the leaf and the contrast is precise. Variegation is also variable throughout the growths. The leaves are thinner than I expected this variety to have, and the root tips have beautiful dark purplish color, also unexpected.