Originally Posted by gootzie
Thank you very much.
Didn't I read it was pretty straightforward (and relatively inexpensive) to have plants shipped to the US? Thank you.
Yes it's pretty straightforward because Barampung takes care of several of the legal aspects of the transaction including quarantine (inspection) certificate and Cities certificate (versus the nightmare many envision) and inexpensive if an extra $125 for shipping and the legal work doesn’t mean anything to you along with a wait for the plants that can exceed 3 weeks.
Be sure to read all of Hakumin's posts included in the aforemented thread. You MUST do that. Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you not to place an order with them nor telling you to do so.
It’s possible other overseas growers might not do all the paperwork (Cities and inspection and destruction of any insects) Barampung does resulting in serious issues regarding the legality of the transaction and possible very serious penalties to you, the individual placing the order.
Welcome to the world of Neofinetia growing. There is a lot to learn and all sorts of mistakes will be made along the way but it’s worth it. Just don't make any mistakes causing legal issues.