Originally Posted by bjmac
Hakumin beautiful plants and photos. Do you find that newly potted planting have to be watered more often? Also is there a reason that green leaf tipped neos have a small brown end and is this normal?
I see no difference in the rate of drying before and after I freshly remoss my neos. However, I also repot fairly frequently. If your moss is old enough to have significantly longer drying times, I'd say it's time to repot.
As for the brown tips on neo leaves, there are a couple varieties where it's considered normal, but in most other cases it's due to either physical abrasion, excessively dry air, or not quite perfect cultural conditions. Some varieties are more prone to it than others. My Raikomaru had a bunch of them when I had first gotten it, and while the newer leaves are mostly better, it does seem prone to getting them occasionally, which I do find annoying.