This season's blooming of my Neof. Mangekyo, my best yet.
Photo on the right has blooms with all 3 spurs and all buds with 3 spurs developing. Instead of my kitchen as backdrop, I have upped the class immeasurably with a photo from the 2021 Arizona Highways Calendar, photo by Shane McDermott.
I took the photo on the right instead of waiting for all buds to open for fear the older blooms would start fading. I could have waited for the final bud to open on the spike from the mother plant but was getting impatient. Two flower spikes are involved. All but one bud out of the 6 open on the spike from the mother plant and none open yet on the 5 from the offshoot.
Photo on the left has all buds opened except one of 5 from the offshoot spike. I am surprised no flowers are fading yet.