Senzai has been the one. I've looked and looked and came so close twice before. I would have been happy with a single growth. This little Neo is very hard to find and I was fortunate to have found one listed on Seed Engei's last monthly list. I was so excited!
I received the shipment and held my breath while opening the package! Once unwrapped I was amazed at the tiny perfection in my hands. This little Senzai has 8 growths and 3 tiny babies poking through the mass of plant. It is beautiful, perfect in every way. There are 2 old blooms spikes, wish I could have seen the blooms. This is a very healthy little plant.
I had to make a special pot for this one, it's a special Neo for me, a personal victory including a happy dance.
A thousand years, hmmm. I could only conceive a couple of ideas, a stone or boulder maybe a tree, a old tree. So here is Senzai in it's pot, a concept of a tree with a leafy canopy and lol, logs for the feet of the pot. SENZAI