Thanks again for all your help and suggestions as well as private offers. Terry of Flora Peculia here in Toronto was kind enough to drop by last Friday with my 10 new fukirans

! This time I decided to opt for more of them than just one or two of the top ones. I showed him my existing ones (Benishinju, Kinkōjyaku, Kinkōnishiki, Kuroshinju, Magatama, Maizuru, and Ōe maru no shima — as you can see I love beans) and we had some very interesting discussions.
Anyway, of course I understand that without a photo this post adds no value, so here you go y'all:
Front row (R to L): Banpo, Sengoku, Byakko, Shishinden, and Ra in'nohikari
Back row (R to L): Hōgyoku, Suigai, Kinginrasha, Hōmeiden, and Ten kōden (Tenkyuden).
Of particular interest are Banpo and Sengoku for their rare Yamagata (mountain) tsuke, Shishinden (a mutation of Surugafukurin) which is extremely yellow and dark green (no, the picture does not do justice), and Ten kōden (also spelled Tenkyuden), which is a small subtly variegated bean. Please see the photo below for the latter (again, much better-looking and contrasty in hand):
I also heard that Jason is coming to Canada in October, so he will be bringing 6 more for me

Thanks again ladies and guys for your advice!