Originally Posted by MattWoelfsen
There is noting low end about Neos when you consider: 1) you cannot go grocery shopping and come home with one in the bag, and 2) if you were to do a price comparison between a NOID Phalaenopsis versus a Neofinetia, the Neo would be the more expensive plant. So congratulations on owning high end orchids! LOL!
You said "the peloric has two bud laden spikes". Do you mean the flower has two spurs or nectaries? That is a very appealing flower--if that is what you are describing. If so, is this plant Soubiryu 双尾龍 ?
No, to answer yours and Ree's question(s), this Neo's peloricism causes it to appear to have six petals, and just one spur per flower. What I meant is that it has grown two inflorescenses. I refer to them as "generic" because the two I give this designation are both just Neofenitia falcatas with no fancy varietal names. Please pardon me if I belittled them with my terminology, as I absolutely adore the plants!