Originally Posted by ramp
Yazz, Neofinetia falcata is a species originating from Japan, China and Korea. next to the varieties there are several localities, plants that come from a known locality in the wild. The addition to the species name "Amami" just means that the clone comes from Amami island in Japan. General specifics for this locality are the larger growths and leaf length and larger flowers than the standard Japanese form. It's a sturdy and easy grower and it can be grown from seed, mericlone or division.
Remember it needs a cooling down period in order to get it to flower in spring or early summer, different from most hybrids with N. falcata that can flower at any time.
On a side note I also saw you mentioned you had Neo "samurai". samurai is part of an English translation on the naming of the species in Japan. The "Fukiran" meaning rich and noble orchid, In history kept and cherished by the samurai, hens the name still often used "samurai orchid". It's not a name of a variety
I've learned so much about the nefinetia culture from this thread. Have this bookmarked this for future re-reading.
Have a unheated room with a big west facing window where the little guys will sleep. In Houston, it gets cold during December and January. Two are still sending out roots, so will take the dormancy cue from them.
Interesting about the meaning of "Fukiran." Have two neofinetia falcata, one tag has 'samurai orchid' and the other doesn't. Ah well, they've both put up with me for this long, and they're cute as a button.