Originally Posted by NeofinetiaCanada2014
I had a 6 growths plant but divided them to sell last year and was left with a mother growth plus one baby. The mother growth finally bloomed with two spikes but first spike's flowers collapsed prematurely (environment causes?) but the second spike just opened nicely. Thought I'd share the flowers before it decides to follow the first spike ... This is made by crossing the red falcatas, so is still within species parameters ...
Hy NC,
This is actually a hybrid Neofinetia, with Ascocentrum in it's "blood-line" There are no red Neofinetia's. These are all back crosses from hybrids, just like all really yellow flowered forms (with the exception of Zuiun, wich is an actual Neofinetia falcata variety). However they are lovely and many are scented. And most are clasified within the Neofinetia variety group.
Good growing!
This one is actually called "Choukou" or "Chōkō" 超紅 (alternative speling:Choko, Cyokou) and translates into "Super Scarlet". The Korean name is "Chohong".
(research, curtesy of Hakumin)