Daniel, Neofinetia is an easy orchid to grow. They are perfect for growing inside on window sills. Since you grow your Neo mounted then you would water a little bit more during the growing season--which is Spring through Autumn. November through April, water less often.
Neofinetia falcata are endemic to China, Korea, and Japan. In Japan these orchids are very common and are desired because they are easy to grow, pleasing to see, and when they bloom, the flowers are fragrant.
I do not have a favorite variety but Higashidemiyako 東出都 is one of my favorites. It is a very hardy plant, easy to grow and flower, the leaves are variegated. Another favorite plant is Manjushage 曼珠沙華. This is a green leafed variety but it has three nectar spurs.
Manjushage 曼珠沙華
Higashidemiyako 東出都
I do not have a green house, all of my orchids are grown throughout my home. Neos are in my master bath, in front of glass block wall facing west. This is the coolest room in the house.
My Laelia are grown in my south facing office with a large cathedral window.
My Phalaenopsis are grown in my breakfast room in front of a bay window.
This year, I have installed a two shelf light stand where I am growing Dendrobium species orchids. I put this light stand in my living room.
Orchids have taken over my home decor! LOL