Ascofinetia Peaches - Weird color breaks - 2015 update
I purchased this plant out of bloom. I have now bloomed it twice, and each time it has had weird color breaks in all the flowers. It is almost as if it can't make up it's mind between two different color schemes.
I have two differen theories as to what is going on:
A. Virus
The plant is growing well, and there are no markings on the leaves. Also, color breaks in flowers are more pronounced than the random 'fuzzy' breaks you see in a virused Cattleya.
B. Could it be a chimera?
If two different pollen with distinctly different color codes had pollinated simultaneously, it might look somewhat like this.
Any thoughts/comments?
July 4, 2015: Plant is doing well, it has 2 basal keikis, and combined there are 6-7 spikes this year.
Color breaks are 'consistent', in that there are solid pink, solid orange, and multi-colored flowers on all spikes. Adding a couple of photos from this year in a new post.
Last edited by Fairorchids; 07-04-2015 at 07:34 AM..
Reason: Update