Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Bluebird' in bloom
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Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Bluebird' in bloom
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Old 06-27-2014, 10:25 PM
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RJSquirrel RJSquirrel is offline
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what nice pretty flowers
mine has 2 growths and has one new pup this year. had 3 spikes last year before it got cold and then they all blasted...I keep trying.
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:40 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Originally Posted by NYCorchidman View Post
I see!

Speaking of Pinky.

I got a small but in spike plant in the fall years back.
It was mounted and mounted plants do not do well for me as they simply get dry too fast too much.

Well, I ended up blasting the spike.
It grew leaves in the spring and summer, then spiked again in the fall, which my lazy watering blasted again. So, I think fall is the season for mine (though I read it too bloom throughout the year).

Earlier this year, I thought I was getting tired of this one and thought about pitching. I know, my bad habit. but then I remembered how much I paid for the little thing and at least I had to see it flower.

I decided to take it off the mount to make it easier for me to deal with it. I now have this and all my other mounted mini orchids "half potted" with moss.
They are staying moist at the roots and all are much happier this way. Gosh, why did I not do this earlier?

I hope to finally see the flowers this fall.
Most likely spotted, but I read it could turn out all read, which will also be nice!

Are yours potted?
Did you keep yours dry while spiking?

Or it could be that they need to get much bigger to bloom properly. but mine did develop the spikes fine, only my underwatering finished them. lol
Mine are potted - the Lou Snearys are in chc, clay pots now - when they were in poor shape, and then while recovering I did have them in very small clay pots, styro in the center, a small amount of sphag tucked around that. Pinky is potted in medium bark mix in a plastic pot.
I do have a piece of styro in the center of the root mass (I've started doing that with all but terrestrial orchids - the roots all seem very happy with it!)

My Pinky has also spiked in late summer - fall (twice), but after blooming this year in late fall-early winter, it started another spike a month or two after it had finished blooming - alas, that spike aborted not too long ago, but there is now another small spike on it.

I don't keep mine dry while in spike. As I said, I have had several spikes abort on both Lou Snearys, and a couple on the Pinky. The Lou Sneary blooming now, had another spike growing at the same time as the now blooming one (started shortly after the blooming one), but it aborted a short time ago, while the now blooming spike continued to grow and then bloom just fine - so, at least in my case, I don't know what the issue may be, as obviously in this one instance (and has happened another time) both spikes were obviously getting the same light, humidity, water ...

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

Originally Posted by RJSquirrel View Post
what nice pretty flowers
mine has 2 growths and has one new pup this year. had 3 spikes last year before it got cold and then they all blasted...I keep trying.

I don't know why, but I get quite a few aborted spikes on mine

Keep trying! I'm sure it will bloom for you soon!
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aborted, dry, growing, neostylis, times, bloom, bluebird, sneary, lou

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