I have two bean neo white tigers that I adore. They are almost like the bean leave version of the hokages...Thought I'd share with the group. They have not bloomed for me nor do I know of any growers that have...
The first one is the Beni-geshou... This looks like a Homeiden, with the new leave growing out in pure white, but with reddish tinged older leaves with whitish markings intersperse on same leaves! Almost like a mini hokage! A tricky one to grow as they like low light and high humidity around leaves (not roots)... Too wet a medium will make the plant sulk for months...
Observe the white ghost leave on top and ruby tipped roots... The color combo is so striking!
The second one is called Keshomaru, similar to Beni-geshou but narrower leaves, reddish markings and white tigering too. The roots are also pinkish ruby tipped. This one is also a difficult one to grow well... Needs high humidity to keep plant foliage open, which will fold over if less that 65% humidity.. I grow then sometimes with plastic sandwich wrap over them for a couple weeks here and then under lights, then unwrap into shaded sun.

There are others with similar growths and markings like the Kouen... See below pic of my friend
Yes folks, more to add to your wish list! Costs are about $50-100 per growth from Floraculia and Seed Engei
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