Vandofinetia White Crane
Technically this is a straight Vanda now, according to the latest changes in taxonomy. The parents are Euanthe sanderiana, var alba x Neofinetia falcata.
Got this plant a year ago as an unbloomed seedling. It had two basal keikis started (unusual for Euanthe, but showing the NF influence). Main plant bloomed first time in December, and it is blooming again now, with spikes coming from each of the keikis as well.
Having sanderiana as the pod parent, this plant is a little larger than I had hoped for, but considering the show it is putting on, it is a keeper afterall. Also, it is by far the largest flowered primary NF hybrid I have.
I is difficult to see in these photos, but the two lower sepals show the sanderiana 'net pattern', and it appears that there is a hint of color to the pattern. Apparently the pod parent was albescent, and not a true alba.