It's about that time of the year for the neo.
Mine bloomed in late June into July last year, and this year it looks like they are right on time!
I had four spikes last time, and this year, I count six!!!
I was quite worried about not being able to winter them properly as my place does not get cold enough, but the plant seems very healthy putting out many new growths and roots.
I am getting tired of watering the mounted orchids, so I put all my mounts in a plastic container filled with sphag last months.
Watering takes much less time and efforts, and the roots are happier!
I will eventually take them all off the mount once the roots grow into the moss.
Anyways, I took a picture of one spike that is growing the fastest. It is so fascinating to see the long thingie (is that part called spur??) develop over the course of just a few days. The whole thing look like an alient with many heads!
On the second picture, at the bottom, there is a spike that I just found this morning. It was stuck and bent growing along the wall of the container. Good thing I caught it now and saved it.