Originally Posted by shushu45
I live in USDA zone 5b. When it can it was potted like a vanda. But I can water it everyday or twice a day or more cause of work. So I just put it in some bark mix to hold some water for more than a day.
I'm not sure I know where you got your plant-- any chance you got it from Ray at First Rays orchids? That is where I got mine-- it is a gorgeous plant and it was grown in eco web-- which is fine except my environment is super dry-- so like you, i'd have to water a lot to make this thing happy. Lucky for me, I have a grown tent that has a humidifier that pumps in the humidity like noone's business and keeps the plants moist longer-- so it still grows in evo web (in case you don't know, eco web is a very very porous media made of recycled plastic and it only holds water as drops-- no absorption).
I also grow many other neo hybrids and I grow them bare root in recycled wine bottles with their bottoms cut off and inverted so the neck of the bottle is at the bottom. I cork these bottles but allow a small steady drip of water to leave and eventually drain the bottle. It can take hours to completely drain, but by then the plant is sufficiently hydrated and I supplement this by loosely tucking moss around the top which also holds a lot of water-- keeps them from drying out too fast.
So there are lots of ways to grow these guys but it depends on your conditions. In the end, neo hybrids are highly adaptive and so long as you give them the weekly good drink they'll reward you.