Neos & Neo hybrids
I didn't think I had that many, but I did a partial inventory today.
My first Neo was an Amami Island sib cross. It has very large flowers, possibly a 4N clone as it is somewhat slow growing. Add to that:
'Yellow' and 7 recognized varieties. First one to spike this year is Beni-Komachi.
4 unbloomed seedlings, no special designation
15 seedlings of Shutennou x self
7 seedlings of ([Amami red x Souyou pink] x Shutennou)
1 seedling of (Koto x Shutennou)
12 Vanda Green Light (N falcata x Christensonia vietnamica)
10 Nakamotoara Menehune Charm
2 Nakamotoara Newberry Apricot
2 Renanetia Sunrise
3 Vanda (Darwinara) Walnut Valley (3 different colors)
4 Neostylis Pinky (3 different colors)
1 Ascofinetia Twinkle
1 Ascf Petite Bouquet
1 Ascofinetia Moonlight Firefly
1 (Pap. teres x Neofinetia falcata)
1 Ascf Peaches
1 Ascf Cherry Blossom
2 Vandofinetia White Crane (Euanthe sanderiana x NF)