UPDATE: it's been a few weeks and or says since this post and since my treatment of the infected plant. After cutting off the bad tissue at the time of this post, new spots showed up making the plant look worse. It soaked in a systemic for many hours and then was isolated away from other plants. It was kept on the dry side mostly because it was out of my grow area and in my extremely dry Colorado air.
The other day I sanitized my scissors and removed the bad foliage again. It's now several days later and those cuts have sealed and turned the normal brown you expect, not the black rot brown. I have it a few more days in isolation and then removed the rest of the bad foliage and it is now soaking in the systemic again as the second and final treatment. I'm confident this has worked. It'll stay in isolation for another week to be sure, but I do have good news for the plant too... It's growing new roots and leaves. Seems this black rot was just drawing down the overall health of the plant to the point that when killed off, the plant is coming back to life. It is greening up more and the tiger striping is clearer than ever before.
It's still not out of the woods but all very good signs.
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